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Building a Better Web Presense for your Restaurant

Feb. 15th, 2018 @ 10:00pm
Kevin Sims, Cofounder

Building a Better Web Presence for your Restaurant

Reason to start building a bigger web presence

In today's internet age of connected devices, staying in touch with customers is a must when trying to building your restaurant business. Coming from a person who eats out quite often I can attest to two things that I always look for when looking for a restaurant to go to.

  • The availability of the restaurants menu online
  • A restaurants website and how mobile friendly it is.

By fixing just these two options and making a couple changes you could easily build a great web presence for your restaurants in no time. Now I know what you're thinking "I don't have the time for that", well don't worry about that, to help with everything we here at Menyu for extremely low or depending on the request no cost to you can get everything integrated saving you money compared to the prices of other sites offering similar services.

How Menyu can make your Restaurants menu easily available

Have you seen our latest website update if not check it out here. The menu displayed on the previous link is a great example of what i would want to see on a restaurants website when searching for something to eat. Not only do we have one of the best mobile friendly menu websites on the web but we can easily integrate this same style layout into any existing website that you have.

If you don't have an IT guy don't worry contact us here at Menyu either on Facebook or email us at info @ with your request. Our goal is to make sure that your customers are able to view an easily updated menu for your restaurant at all times. Not only will we get that setup for you but also you can manage all updates without ever touching the website by managing prices and items directly from our website.

How Menyu can help fix your website:

Have you been on the fence on updating your site? Do you not have a website but would like one built but do not know where to start? Have you pursed a website and had issues keeping up with certain updates? The questions can go on and on but we can help solve some of those issues. Maybe your site has been outdated and needs a refresher so what we can do is help just clean up a couple things for you to get you a competitive edge over your competition.

Everything that we do is custom. Our team is made up of hard working guys who are there for you every step of the way. With one of the best programmers on our team there's not many task that we will not be able to fulfill. Contact us today to get a step closer to web dominance in the restaurant business in your area. Contact us now to get you all setup!

If you're currently paying for web support or an integrated menu on your site from other companies contact us today and I will guarantee we will save you money!

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